Managing Users

Only site administrators can add, remove or update WordPress users. Most department admins are site administrators, so they are the best people to contact if you need access to a department site.

On this page:

Locating the tool

Add Williams user link in menuFrom the dashboard, look for “Users” in the left hand column. The three options are

  • “All Users” to see all users assigned to the site
  • “You User Settings” to view and manage your personal settings
  • “Add Williams User” to add a new user to the site

If you don’t have a “Users” section in your toolbar, you’re probably not an administrator.

Adding a user

  1. From the site dashboard, navigate to Users -> Add Williams User
  2. Enter the user’s unix username (the one they use to log onto email).
  3. Select the user’s role, which will control which parts of the site they can edit. We recommend editor in most cases. More about roles »
  4. Click the “Add User” button

Since WordPress is tied into our main authentication system, no additional data needs to be entered.  WordPress will pull the user’s name, email address, password, etc., from our central database.

Remove a User

From the dashboard, navigate to Users -> All Users.

  1. Hover your mouse over the user you’d like to remove to reveal the available links.
  2. Click the “remove” link.
  3. This will bring you to a page asking you to confirm the removal. Click the “confirm” button to finalize the process.

hover over user to reveal "remove" link


Change a User’s Role

From the dashboard, navigate to Users -> All Users.

  1. Click the checkbox next to the user or users for whom you would like to change roles.
  2. Click the “Change role to…” dropdown menu and select the new role.
  3. Cick the “Change” button to complete the process.

dashboard controls for changing a user role