
Cropping an image in iPhoto

  •  Save the image to your desktop, or other location on your computer.
  • Open iPhoto.
  • Drag and drop the image onto your open iPhoto window.


  • Once your image is in iPhoto, click on it and then click Edit in the lower right-hand corner (outlined in red below).


  • Click Crop.
  • Check off Constrain. From the dropdown menu, choose Custom.
  • Enter in the dimensions you want, then click on your image over on the left. You’ll see the cropping frame resize to your dimensions. Click and drag to reposition it.


Suppose you want a 150×150 crop of one person’s face, but iPhoto thinks you want a 150×150 crop of the entire image.


If that happens, you can click and drag the corners of the resizing frame, and then reposition it when it’s the right size.


  • When you’re happy with the selection, click Done.
  • Click Edit again to hide the editing menu. Your image should still be selected (you’ll see a yellow border around it).
  • From the top menu, click File –> Export.
  • Choose Kind: JPEG, JPEG Quality: High, or if you’re working with a large image (width of 500 pixels or greater), choose Maximum. Size: Full Size. Click Export.
  • You’ll be prompted to rename the resized image and save it to the Desktop. Make sure the name ends in .jpg; if it doesn’t, add it on. Hit OK. (If you don’t rename your exported image, you’ll overwrite the original file.)

Resizing an image in iPhoto

Although WordPress automatically generates a few different sizes of uploaded images, many images from digital cameras are excessively large. Always try to use images that are the same size or just slightly larger than what you require. What size should my images be?

  • Having opened your photo in iPhoto (see directions above), click on it, then go to File –> Export.
  • See screenshot: Select JPEG, Maximum, Size: Custom, and then specify a max width or height. (250-450px is a safe maximum width or height for a medium-sized image. A fullscreen image shouldn’t exceed a width of 900 or height of 700.)


  • Click Export.
  • You’ll be prompted to name the resized image and save it to the Desktop. Make sure the name ends in .jpg; if it doesn’t, add it on. Hit OK.