Quick Edit & Bulk Actions

dashboard-all-pages-postsIf you need to make similar changes to multiple pages or posts, you can often do this without having to edit and save each page/post individually. This doesn’t work for content, but you can change most properties associated with the page/post.

The quick edit and bulk action tools are located at Pages -> All Pages, and Posts -> All Posts.

Quick Edit

To get to quick edit, hover over the title of the page/post you want to modify, then click on the “Quick Edit” link that is revealed under the title. Below are screenshots of all the properties you can modify via quick edit.


Bulk actions

If you want to make the same change to multiple pages/posts, you can use the “Bulk Action” tool.

First, select the pages/posts you’d like to modify by checking off the boxes to the left of their titles.

Next, find the “Bulk Actions” menu at the top of your screen (see red arrow below).


Select  either “Move to Trash” or “Edit”, then click the “Apply” button.

If you selected edit, a panel titled “Bulk Edit” will appear at the top of your page/post list. Make the changes you’d like to apply to all the selected pages/posts, then click the blue “Update” button.